So good news from America - Barack Obama has won a second term.
I'll be my best honest, I'm not exactly enthusiastic about Obama; in fact, I don't really like the man but I can honestly say that America dodged a bullet with Romney.
Bigger, better news is that Mary Gonzales, an openly pansexual woman has become a representative from Texas of all places, and that Tammy Baldwin, an open lesbian, has become a senator - both national firsts. So yes, congratulations to America on that!
More good news is that Todd 'Legitimate Rape' Aiken is gone. I'm not too very sure word can describe just how happy I am about that.
Not too happy news is that none of the third parties reached real legitimacy, meaning they're stuck with the two-party system for the time being, and war with Iran is still looming.
Oh well, I'm Canadian, I have the privilege of not having to associate with the decisions they make, haha.
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Just a quick post to say my thoughts are with those affected by this storm, and to say that you might just hear some first-hand accounts of this as Montreal is meant to get hit in late Thursday/early Friday.
Please don't worry about me however, when the storm reaches here it's likely to just be heavy winds and rain - the gales of November come early.
To my other friends in the path of this storm - Sarah, Hannah, Isaac and everyone even if I've never heard of you, my heart goes out to you and I hope everything goes fine.
Please don't worry about me however, when the storm reaches here it's likely to just be heavy winds and rain - the gales of November come early.
To my other friends in the path of this storm - Sarah, Hannah, Isaac and everyone even if I've never heard of you, my heart goes out to you and I hope everything goes fine.
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Police Hanging Around...
I'm a little scared, there are 'official' looking police going around McGill, and more than you'd expect for anything minor.
Nothing's been locked down, nothing's happening to make me think there's anything too very serious happening, but something IS happening.
I'll keep you guys posted if anything big happens.
Nothing's been locked down, nothing's happening to make me think there's anything too very serious happening, but something IS happening.
I'll keep you guys posted if anything big happens.
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
Return To Uni And An Apology
Hello everyone!
As the title implies, I am now back at uni for the semester. You may be wondering what happened in London. Well, I've been trying to write that and it's been in my drafts for a long time, it's just that with life getting in the way I haven't exactly had the time to write it, but rest assured it is in the pipeline, you will have it soon, and it will be long.
Hopefully check in soon.
Thursday, 19 July 2012
London Ho!
I'm not sure if I've mentioned it on here before, but me, Mary, Sarah, Mimi and Lia got tickets to the London Olympics a while ago (Women's field hockey, what else?). Anywhom, we depart for London in the early hours of tomorrow morning. We're all packed and ready to go and the excitement is showing!
Mimi's the only one in our little group who's ever been outside Canada, so it's an adventure for us all. The main problem seems to be deciding what to do once we're there. We have around two weeks there, and far more than two weeks worth of things we want to do in Merrie Olde England.
Whatever we end up doing, I know none of us will ever forget it and with a little luck, we'll get to see our country win something.
I should add that I likely won't blog from London, I'll be too busy with British things, hehe. Although, I might, you never know.
Sorry if I'm going on and on, I'm just really excited. LONDON!
Either way, wish us all luck!
Mimi's the only one in our little group who's ever been outside Canada, so it's an adventure for us all. The main problem seems to be deciding what to do once we're there. We have around two weeks there, and far more than two weeks worth of things we want to do in Merrie Olde England.
Whatever we end up doing, I know none of us will ever forget it and with a little luck, we'll get to see our country win something.
I should add that I likely won't blog from London, I'll be too busy with British things, hehe. Although, I might, you never know.
Sorry if I'm going on and on, I'm just really excited. LONDON!
Either way, wish us all luck!
Monday, 16 July 2012
Confessions of a Lapsing Vegetarian
As I'm guessing you know, I'm a vegetarian type. I've been vegetarian for a while now, yet I'm no longer certain I want to continue.
I first went vegetarian for health reasons and my reasonably flat stomach proves that it worked. Yet nowadays my willpower is lapsing. Actual meat such as steak, hamburgers, hot dogs and the like don't tempt me at all, yet seafood REALLY does.
Me and my friends went to the Octopuses Garden the other day (It's a Japanese restaurant if you were wondering) and it was all I could do not to steal some prawn tempura from Lia's plate.
I don't know how everyone out there feels about this, but I feel kind of bad that my vegetarian days may be coming to an end. Even if they do, it's likely that I'll only go pescetarian, not full omnivore however.
So this is what it is really. If anyone reading this has strong thoughts one way or the other, let me know because I'm really not having an easy time deciding this on my own.
I first went vegetarian for health reasons and my reasonably flat stomach proves that it worked. Yet nowadays my willpower is lapsing. Actual meat such as steak, hamburgers, hot dogs and the like don't tempt me at all, yet seafood REALLY does.
Me and my friends went to the Octopuses Garden the other day (It's a Japanese restaurant if you were wondering) and it was all I could do not to steal some prawn tempura from Lia's plate.
I don't know how everyone out there feels about this, but I feel kind of bad that my vegetarian days may be coming to an end. Even if they do, it's likely that I'll only go pescetarian, not full omnivore however.
So this is what it is really. If anyone reading this has strong thoughts one way or the other, let me know because I'm really not having an easy time deciding this on my own.
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
In the lee of Bowen Island
The name may be confusing to non-Lightfoot fans, but all shall become clear very soon.
As any readers of this blog will know, I've recently returned home from uni. Mary had a surprise for me that I would never have expected.
It turns out she learned to play the guitar (Not to professional level, but well enough), and when I returned, she played me a love song, which I'll be my best honest, made me cry.
The tune was Christian Island by Gordon Lightfoot, but she modified the lyrics to make it about us. She has a really beautiful singing voice.
Below are the lyrics as she sang them, if you want to know the original lyrics, Google is your friend, hehe.
I'm sailing down the summer wind
My mouth is in a grin
And I like the mood I'm in
As I while away the time of day
In the lee of Bowen Island
Tall and strong she dips and reels
Through all kinds of ordeals
And she tells me how she feels
She's a good old boat and she'll stay afloat
Through the toughest gales and keep smilin'
But for one more day she would like to stay
In the lee of Bowen Island
I'm sailing down the summer day
Where the fish and seagulls play
I put my troubles all away
She's a good old ship and she'll make the trip
From the lee of Bowen Island
Tall and strong she slips along
I sing for her a song
And she leans into the wind
She's a good old boat and she'll stay afloat
Through the toughest gales and keep smilin'
When the summer ends we will rest again
In the lee of Bowen Island
I wanted to post a video of her singing it, but she insisted it was just for me to hear and I'm okay with that, but she okayed me posting the lyrics.
So that's all really, I just wanted to post this as I found it amazingly sweet.
As any readers of this blog will know, I've recently returned home from uni. Mary had a surprise for me that I would never have expected.
It turns out she learned to play the guitar (Not to professional level, but well enough), and when I returned, she played me a love song, which I'll be my best honest, made me cry.
The tune was Christian Island by Gordon Lightfoot, but she modified the lyrics to make it about us. She has a really beautiful singing voice.
Below are the lyrics as she sang them, if you want to know the original lyrics, Google is your friend, hehe.
I'm sailing down the summer wind
My mouth is in a grin
And I like the mood I'm in
As I while away the time of day
In the lee of Bowen Island
Tall and strong she dips and reels
Through all kinds of ordeals
And she tells me how she feels
She's a good old boat and she'll stay afloat
Through the toughest gales and keep smilin'
But for one more day she would like to stay
In the lee of Bowen Island
I'm sailing down the summer day
Where the fish and seagulls play
I put my troubles all away
Because once again I'm with the girl of kin
From the Algarve and the HighlandsShe's a good old ship and she'll make the trip
From the lee of Bowen Island
Tall and strong she slips along
I sing for her a song
And she leans into the wind
She's a good old boat and she'll stay afloat
Through the toughest gales and keep smilin'
When the summer ends we will rest again
In the lee of Bowen Island
I wanted to post a video of her singing it, but she insisted it was just for me to hear and I'm okay with that, but she okayed me posting the lyrics.
So that's all really, I just wanted to post this as I found it amazingly sweet.
Friday, 29 June 2012
Returning Home Once More
I know I haven't exactly been active on here and I'm sorry for that... not sure who I'm apologising to really, nobody even reads this thing.
Tomorrow I shall be returning home finally. I don't want to sound like I don't like it here at uni because I do, but I always sorely miss everyone back home.
So soon I shall be blogging from the comfort of my own home... for a bit before I take off to London, but that's another story.
Tomorrow I shall be returning home finally. I don't want to sound like I don't like it here at uni because I do, but I always sorely miss everyone back home.
So soon I shall be blogging from the comfort of my own home... for a bit before I take off to London, but that's another story.
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
My 18th.
I'm not sure how many of you people know this, but I turned 18 yesterday.
I'm aware that it's traditional to have some kind of massive party for this particular milestone, yet that's not really my style. To be my best honest it was pretty tame, although I did use my new found 'rights' to buy some wine. I figured I should do it while I can since I need to wait until I'm 19 to buy alcohol back home, yet here in Quebec, it's only 18. I got a few cards, some presents from home and of course various congratulations, but truthfully, it barely felt like my birthday. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, I barely know the people here so I'm fairly touched that they went to the effort they did.
Oh! I almost forgot to mention, some of the girls here banded together and made me a cake. The state of the kitchen was... ungodly afterwards, but I always say that the more mess there is, the more fun you had doing whatever you did, hehe.
I was actually half expecting Sarah to jump out from somewhere again after having gotten here in some overly adventurous way, but no luck. Not that I'm sore about that, she has other stuff going on and I understand.
All in all, it was actually a pretty good day. That night, me and Mary talked on webcam for a bit (And other stuff I'm not telling you about).
I don't feel that different now that I'm 18, but then again, you never feel drastically different the day after a birthday. Although, now I can vote, so I'm going to read up on politics a little more, hehe.
I'm aware that it's traditional to have some kind of massive party for this particular milestone, yet that's not really my style. To be my best honest it was pretty tame, although I did use my new found 'rights' to buy some wine. I figured I should do it while I can since I need to wait until I'm 19 to buy alcohol back home, yet here in Quebec, it's only 18. I got a few cards, some presents from home and of course various congratulations, but truthfully, it barely felt like my birthday. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, I barely know the people here so I'm fairly touched that they went to the effort they did.
Oh! I almost forgot to mention, some of the girls here banded together and made me a cake. The state of the kitchen was... ungodly afterwards, but I always say that the more mess there is, the more fun you had doing whatever you did, hehe.
I was actually half expecting Sarah to jump out from somewhere again after having gotten here in some overly adventurous way, but no luck. Not that I'm sore about that, she has other stuff going on and I understand.
All in all, it was actually a pretty good day. That night, me and Mary talked on webcam for a bit (And other stuff I'm not telling you about).
I don't feel that different now that I'm 18, but then again, you never feel drastically different the day after a birthday. Although, now I can vote, so I'm going to read up on politics a little more, hehe.
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Happy Earth Day Again!
Sorry if this post isn't anywhere near as interesting as the one I posted this time last year but I doubt I'll be doing anything too very interesting this time around, just keeping some lights off. Also, this may very well be the last time I use my laptop today, so from me here in Montreal, have a nice Earth Day all!
Thursday, 19 April 2012
I Can't Believe This Happened.
You'll never guess what happened to me today.
I peed myself, really. Now, given my pre-existing condition, this isn't the first time this has happened, but it's the first time it's happened at uni.
Basically, it happened like this: I woke up this morning, totally and utterly desperate (Not the first time that's happened to me, in fact it happens a whole damn lot). I jumped out of bed and ran out of my room, I was only in my t-shirt and underwear, but that didn't really bother me, most of the girls in my dorm have seen me like this and I like that sense of trust (No, we're not all having naked pillow fights and that kind of like, calm down, hehe). When I got down the hall to the washroom, someone was in there having a shower. People lock the door for showers about 50% of the time, this was one of those times. I knocked on the door and heard "In a minute". Sadly, I didn't have a minute, I felt myself begin peeing and I just froze. I stood there outside the door, half-naked and peeing, I couldn't believe it was happening. Once I was done, I stood there a while longer, frozen in shame, it was at that point I noticed my friend Samantha standing behind me, I had no idea what to do, I just looked at her and burst out crying.
She asked me if I was okay, I couldn't do anything but blubber. Samantha quickly ran into her room and got my a towel, telling me that she wasn't sure what else she could do. I thanked her weakly and told her I would clean up my own mess and used the towel to clean my puddle. She laughed a little and said that the towel was for me, I forced a chuckle back, not really in a very jokey mood.
I won't keep going with my story, I'm sure I'm boring you all, but yeah, bad day, very bad day.
I peed myself, really. Now, given my pre-existing condition, this isn't the first time this has happened, but it's the first time it's happened at uni.
Basically, it happened like this: I woke up this morning, totally and utterly desperate (Not the first time that's happened to me, in fact it happens a whole damn lot). I jumped out of bed and ran out of my room, I was only in my t-shirt and underwear, but that didn't really bother me, most of the girls in my dorm have seen me like this and I like that sense of trust (No, we're not all having naked pillow fights and that kind of like, calm down, hehe). When I got down the hall to the washroom, someone was in there having a shower. People lock the door for showers about 50% of the time, this was one of those times. I knocked on the door and heard "In a minute". Sadly, I didn't have a minute, I felt myself begin peeing and I just froze. I stood there outside the door, half-naked and peeing, I couldn't believe it was happening. Once I was done, I stood there a while longer, frozen in shame, it was at that point I noticed my friend Samantha standing behind me, I had no idea what to do, I just looked at her and burst out crying.
She asked me if I was okay, I couldn't do anything but blubber. Samantha quickly ran into her room and got my a towel, telling me that she wasn't sure what else she could do. I thanked her weakly and told her I would clean up my own mess and used the towel to clean my puddle. She laughed a little and said that the towel was for me, I forced a chuckle back, not really in a very jokey mood.
I won't keep going with my story, I'm sure I'm boring you all, but yeah, bad day, very bad day.
Friday, 6 April 2012
Happy Passover!
I just figured I should wish all my Jewish friends a happy Passover.
It's my first one away from home and it's pretty weird not having a Seder with my family but I'm at law school, so there are plenty of Jews here I can celebrate it with, hehe. And no, I'm not making stereotypes, there are a decent number of Jewish people here, interestingly enough, I haven't met another Sephardic Jew in the bunch, not that I really care, it's just odd.
Either way, enjoy the night all, don't eat too very many matzo balls, hehe.
It's my first one away from home and it's pretty weird not having a Seder with my family but I'm at law school, so there are plenty of Jews here I can celebrate it with, hehe. And no, I'm not making stereotypes, there are a decent number of Jewish people here, interestingly enough, I haven't met another Sephardic Jew in the bunch, not that I really care, it's just odd.
Either way, enjoy the night all, don't eat too very many matzo balls, hehe.
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Saturday, 10 March 2012
Not So Gloomy Today.
Okay, so as you know, I've not been having the best time of things but today really turned that around.
This morning, I went to the washroom and when I came back, I noticed someone hiding under the covers on my bed. I assumed it was one of my university friends playing a prank, yet when I pulled back the covers, a familiar face was grinning up at me - my cousin Sarah.
What was she doing there you ask? Well, she had heard that I was having problems so thought she'd come up to see me for a day or two (For those who don't know, she currently attends university in Kingston, Ontario). As for how she'd gotten here, I asked her that, and I'm seriously not joking... she jumped a freight train Lightfoot style. I didn't believe her at first but it turned out that she'd heard about it being done but had never tried it and though it was a good idea. Having her here and hearing that story's really put a smile on my face.
Thanks Sarah, you're awesome!
This morning, I went to the washroom and when I came back, I noticed someone hiding under the covers on my bed. I assumed it was one of my university friends playing a prank, yet when I pulled back the covers, a familiar face was grinning up at me - my cousin Sarah.
What was she doing there you ask? Well, she had heard that I was having problems so thought she'd come up to see me for a day or two (For those who don't know, she currently attends university in Kingston, Ontario). As for how she'd gotten here, I asked her that, and I'm seriously not joking... she jumped a freight train Lightfoot style. I didn't believe her at first but it turned out that she'd heard about it being done but had never tried it and though it was a good idea. Having her here and hearing that story's really put a smile on my face.
Thanks Sarah, you're awesome!
Thursday, 8 March 2012
What They Must Think Of Me.

Not being with her hurts so bad, I really don't know what to do, I can't just quit university and I can't just break up with her... not that that would even solve the problem.
I'm sorry that this blog is ever more depressing but I don't really have anything happy to write these days, I'm just barely getting all my school work done and my social life has whittled down to next to nothing.
I really can't wait for summer when I'll see everyone again. Mary, Sarah, Mom, Dad, Joe, Natasha, Lia, Mimi, Beth, Uncle Cameron, everybody whether I mentioned you or not, life's just not the same without you. Even you Rowan!
Saturday, 25 February 2012
Long Distance Relationships.
I'm sure all of you have heard that I'm currently at university in Montreal while my girlfriend's home in Sung Cove. THIS IS KILLING ME! I'm sure our relationship will survive but it's so fricking hard! I just have no idea what to do. Quitting university isn't an option, nor is leaving Mary so what on earth do I do?
Sorry to rant but this whole thing has really been getting to me lately.
Sorry to rant but this whole thing has really been getting to me lately.
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Valentine's Day.
So here we are on Valentine's day. Truthfully, it's not a holiday I've usually paid much attention to short of a minor romantic gesture towards my girlfriend. Yesterday was our three year anniversary, yet I spent it on the other side of the country from her. Usually it's the happiest day of the year for me, this time I spent a good chunk of it crying.
All in all, I think there's some good to this - it proves that we're strong enough to last for months at a time without each other and I'm truly glad of that.
Now, before I bore you guys with more details of my love life, I shall go.
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Sorry To Keep Apologising.
Again; sorry everyone for not posting much but I haven't been what you'd call 'inspired' lately.
With a little luck I'll post something more interesting soon. In the mean time, check me out on The Experience Project, that's where I've been mostly hanging out these days. My username is, shockingly, Bowengirl.
With a little luck I'll post something more interesting soon. In the mean time, check me out on The Experience Project, that's where I've been mostly hanging out these days. My username is, shockingly, Bowengirl.
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